Mrs. Goodthing
Nov 28, 20204 min read
The "One Day" Body Image
I hated how I looked, I wanted to choke out the fat girl in me and watch her die! Manhattan Beach, California "I stood in front of the...

Mrs. Goodthing
Nov 28, 20204 min read
Starting from Scratch: Fast and Feast 40/The 40 Days & 40 Nights Challenge
Adding spice to your sex life with the the missing ingredient of Sexual Desire! Excerpt from "Give Me Meat The Receipe for Sex!" Chapter...

Mrs. Goodthing
Nov 28, 20206 min read
I am a single Christian, why am I talking about sex?
People ask me questions all the time about my ministry, topics, and platform I teach from. Here are some of the the most commonly asked...