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Awaken your Senses

Our body is made up well over

7 trillion nerve endings.  We are wired for touch and we are hardwired for sex.  Not just any

kind of sex, but sex fueled by

sexual desire Our heavenly father

made us to be that way.  

Reinvent your Passion

As Christians and our sexual

appetite should be celebrated instead of condemned. To try to rebuke sexual desire is impossible and one of the reasons we fall short of the fulfillment 

in our sex lives.

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Give Me Meat

The Recipe for Sex!

Fast and Feast 40

There is sex, there is okay sex, and there is good sex. 

God-inspired sex that has the ability to be amazing! 

The fuel that inspires excellent sex is Sexual Desire. 


Are you operating out of Sexual desire? 

What are you serving up sexually?  


Pink Cream
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Final cover, need to add one thing to the back.jpg

Dr Ruby McMillian Ph. Thd

Being a window after 21 years of marriage. I thought I had it figured out. Read 40 Days and 40 Nights and I am ready to making it right this time Sexual Desire redefined!


Calandra Peterson

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Dana Carthen

This book has opened my eyes to see myself.  The book has God's blessings all in it! Answered so many questions about my past. I kept reading and kept getting deliverance.  


Mrs. Prince 

"WOW"....if I have to choose one word to represent my thoughts on this book the word would be FREEING. I consider this a must read for young and old, single and married. This read digs deep to the core of our beliefs about physical relationships.


The book itself was an incredible ride because chapter 1 grabs you by the throat  and throws you up against the wall and it only gets more real from there. 

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