Meet the face behind Mrs.Goodthing
"When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing."
We asked Ms. Jenkins what is the origin of the name Mrs. Goodthing. She explains; "I had read that scripture over and over again with this idea in my head of reaching this goal of being a wife, and being my King's good thing.
What I realized is that God was showing me that I was that good thing the whole time. The scripture says; "To fulfill the goal of continually increasing in the knowledge of God." Where I was striving to become a good thing, I needed to embrace the fact that I was already. I was transformed when my focus changed from serving my needs to what God needed. To continue to increase as God's girl. To be down for my father and serve him.
When God created the world, the earth, and the waters when he finished his work he said that it was good. I am committed to my commitment to him. That is finished. My father sees his completed work and says that it is good. I am good every day I walk in who I am in Christ. And you are good. I am that "good thing", and my sisters in Christ, who have made that same commitment are Ms. Goodthing! I added the Mrs. to my name because I am married to the cause. 😉"
Mrs. Goodthing
This is where the name originated from and the source of Ms. Jenkins's reason for using Mrs. Goodthing as her pen name and her inspiration for her part in the S.O.S ministry.
Ms. Jenkins is the President of S.O.S. A ministry that focuses on sex! Freedom from Sexual crutches and bringing passion, rapture, and sexual desire into the lives of engaged, singles, and married couples. S.O.S goal is to create a formula for true love that is based on the God that is the manifestation of love!