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Starting from Scratch: Fast and Feast 40/The 40 Days & 40 Nights Challenge

Adding spice to your sex life with the the missing ingredient of Sexual Desire! Excerpt from "Give Me Meat The Receipe for Sex!"

Chapter 3 of "Give Me Meat." is titled Starting form scratch. The chapter explains the Fast and Feast 40 days and 40 nights aka Fast and Feast 40. It explains the challenge that is offered to engaged, newlyweds, and married couples that want to build a foundation that is rooted in Sexual Desire.

The Fast and Feast 40 is an opportunity to get back to the beginning of your relationship or to start a new relationship with your God given mate. You will experience divine confirmation, examination, and exploration of your relationship with you, your mate, Jesus and your heavenly father. When you sacrifice, focus on God, and apply his principles, the skies are the limit. Just watch how God transforms your love life, intimacy, and the fire in your love making. Here we go!!!


Please note that the preparation is just as important as the journey itself. If you are ill-prepared, you will not get the results that you need from this process. If you found this book and you are in a relationship, then take time out to discuss mutually participating in this process. It is challenging at times, but it is rewarding. Each chapter you read, take notes. Then come together with your notes and discuss them.


Pray and make sure that this is what God is instructing you to do. Overall, the process consists of:

  • A Food Fast for 3 days.

  • Implementing a routine for bible study and reflection.

  • Meetings to discuss your relationship and the program.

  • Time in the word with you and God. (Jesus Time)

  • Fasting from sexual contact for 40 days while feasting on different sexual contact each week. Hence, Fast to feast.

  • Proactively praying and ministering to yourself

  • Proactively praying and ministering to your mate

What Should Be Done Before Starting

Pre-prep! Get tools to help you stay the course.

It can be difficult to abstain from sex. If you are sexually active and you want to reset and evaluate your sexual history, you most likely are going to need help to do that. Our website has resources that will help you do that and create a routine that will assist.

The 7 Steps to Deliverance is a key component that will get you on the right track.

Masturbating is Sexual contact

If you are masturbating, you will need to stop to maximize your results of this process. It is still sexual contact. If you can’t stop, I am not going to tell you to not read the book; that is a sign that you need the book. However, the point of the 40 days and 40 nights as a couple is to help you to start your journey to Sexual Desire. Masturbation is not a component of Sexual Desire. Masturbation is about self. Sexual Desire is about your partner. I suggest as a whole that if you still feel the need to masturbate in your relationship that this is an issue. God supplies all our needs and that includes your needs for comfort, sexual contact, and release in the form of an orgasm. Trust him and give that to him.

Create a timeline

If you read down in this chapter, you will see that each week you will Fast, and you will Feast on different sexual acts. If you are married, you will need to both consent to the format and really look at what you are doing if you are committing to the 40 days fast. The last sexual act that you will be feasting on is penetration sex on day 40 of the fast. Connect, Commit, and start the Countdown to finding Sexual Desire. If you need more direction and insight about this process, then skip ahead and read Chapter 8 Meal Prep “Marriage How Do We find our Sexual Desire.” Truth be told chapter 5 as a whole will help you and your mate determine how to do this. It might be best to read that chapter for clarity, but especially the marriage subchapter.

The Schedule for Fast and Feast 40 Challenge

  • Week 1 Church Hugging only.

  • Week 2 Hugging

  • Week 3 Light Kissing

  • Week 4 Tongue Kissing and Necking

  • Week 5 Making out (Car Make out time!)

  • 5 Days of Exploration

For details of each portion of the Fast and Feast and insight for Single, Engaged, Newlyweds please see Chapter 3 of "Give me MeatThe Recipe for Sex!" We have broken down the importance of each sexual act in the book.

Each time you add a sexual act, read the importance of it when you start your week as a couple and enjoy that course of the meal after the summary.

Think of each week as a sexual course of a meal. Hors-d'oeuvres, Amuse-bouche, Soup, Appetizer, Salad, Fish, Main course, Dessert. Pulling all the different portions of the meal together gives the couple a full course meal. This is lovemaking to the fullest. Bon Appetit!



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